
I began the journey of making shofarot in 2019 after friends of mine were lamenting they couldn’t find any that were made in the diaspora. Given that I have deep connections to the agricultural community in the Hudson Valley where I live, I assumed finding horns would be easy. I quickly learned that was not the case and soon broadened my search to small farms across the country that had the right types of rams horns for making shofar. The other challenge was that I could not track down anyone in the country who was making shofar so that I could learn from them. Thus began my piecing together of how to make shofar mostly from pouring over minimal resources on the internet and “The Jewish Catalog: A Do It Yourself Kit”. Turns out my 20 years of experience working in a wide range of materials gave me enough skills to figure it out. To date I’ve made two batches of shofarot. All horns are sourced direct from small farmers. At the current rate I make a batch for sale every 6 or so months. Feel free to get in touch with any questions, and especially if you know of anyone in the US or Israel/Palestine that might be a good resource for me as I would like to deepen my knowledge of working with this medium. You can email me here: aravah.berman.mirkin[at]gmail[dot]com.